11 May 2011

Reality is setting in!!!

I was waiting for things to pick up before I wrote another post and boy have they! 

Most of my furniture has sold and even went to the same family. I've finished selling most of my collectibles on eBay. God has even blessed me by helping me find some gold jewelry that I was able to sell. Seeing God work in those small areas means so much. It helps me remember that He is the One that called me to this mission work, and He will provide for me along the way. 

I heard a message at church camp in 1994 by Bro. Tom Bragdon called "Wagons for the Way" that has taken on a whole new meaning now that I will be so reliant on God while in Africa. Genesis 45:21 reads "So the sons of Israel did this. Joseph gave them carts, as Pharaoh had commanded, and he also gave them provisions for their journey." God had commanded them (the sons of Israel) to return to Canaan and leave Egypt. Pharaoh (because he had come to respect Joseph so much) even gave them wagons and provisions for the way. If God could stir the Egyptian Pharaoh's heart to provide for the Jewish people, I KNOW He will provide for me!

Yesterday, I received an email to let me know that my roommate in Nairobi will be Kristin Luehr, the High School English teacher. (Insert prayers for her here! LOL) I have already been blessed reading her Facebook page, blog, and roommate questionnaire (paperwork that NICS has us fill out to help with the best possible match). I know that she and I will be great friends and sharing many great and not-so-great experiences as we begin this new chapter of our lives.

Today, I received my travel immunizations. God intervened in this story also! I called my primary doctor to see what vaccines I had had. The woman was vague but correct. I then received a call back from the supervisor of the clinical staff who gave me LOADS of great information including the name of GHA's Travel Medicine/Infectious Disease expert! He was so helpful as he has been to Africa many times. I received Hepatitis A, Yellow Fever, Polio, and MMR vaccines. I even got a 20% discount for paying in full!

Now that I know my roommate and my apartment and have gotten my vaccinations, I'm starting to really realize that I'M MOVING TO AFRICA! I would appreciate your prayers as I work on finishing up everything else. I still must sell my car and have a garage sale to sell the rest of my belongings.

I will be heading to Pre-Field Orientation on June 26th in Southaven, Mississippi. I would ask that you pray for me as I drive there and back and also that my heart will be open to learning everything that they have to share to prepare me for this work. 

Also, pray for the seven other new teachers as they are preparing for the BIG move! I have gotten to know all of them a little better through Facebook and know that they are wonderful women.

I have also begun officially raising the financial support that I need to go to the field. (If you want to learn more, see the "Your Support" tab.) It has been a humbling experience--I don't know of any American that likes to ask for money! I now know that this is one of many, many things that God is wanting to teach me through this calling. Please pray that God would burden the right people to partner with me as I share Christ with those in Nairobi. 

I want to thank you for reading my blog, praying for all of my many prayer requests, and partnering with me in this journey. 

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