21 February 2011

NICS Job Fair - Southaven, Mississippi

About two weeks ago, I decided to head to the Network of International Christian Schools (NICS) Job Fair. I was open to going to any country to which God may direct, so I thought this might provide more insight.

Each of the directors of the 20 NICS overseas schools were assigned a time to give an overview of their work since their meeting with the board of directors one year before. They were given only fifteen minutes to present. I took copious notes and noted open positions for which I was qualified. I was enjoying all of the schools' presentations until the (current) director Les Ommen gave the presentation for West Nairobi School in Karen, Kenya. I was BLOWN AWAY! I felt as if I already knew the students, already loved the country, and already felt that I was getting that High School Science Teacher position! LOL. Now before some of you start to think I am either crazy or really full of myself, let me explain. I feel that God was directing me to the exact school He had for me. I know that He did not have to reveal it to me that way. He could have let me interview with multiple schools and simply wait for a sense of leading. But He did not. At the next break time, I quickly signed up for an interview time for the following day and began praying without ceasing.

My interview could not have gone more splendidly! Mr. Duanne Jobe, the (incoming) director, and I hit it off very quickly, as he too is a science teacher. I openly told him that this was the only position that I was interviewing for because I was that aware of God's leading--a gutsy move, I know. At the end of the interview, Mr. Jobe told me that although he'd never done it before, he was wanting to offer me the position right on the spot!!!


God was even so kind that He allowed me to meet a new friend as well at the fair. Her name is Gari, and she too is headed to Kenya this fall for the first time. She will be teaching High School Social Studies. We even found out that she and I have opposite creature fears and can help each other out: I hate bugs, and she hates reptiles and rodents! See, God even cares about the little things! LOL.

If you'd like to know more information about how I came to this decision, my teaching position, or life in general in Nairobi, take a look around my blog. I'll be chocking it full of new information as regularly as possible.